
God is at work in many different ways around the world. We hope you are encouraged to read stories of lives that have been changed as a result of His goodness. 

Monday in the Jungle

It’s Monday morning in Peru. As I lay awake on the floor under my mosquito net, I think about what life would be like on Monday morning in the United States. People would be waking up, showering, drinking coffee, and getting ready for the new work week. My Monday morning is very different.

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A New Home in Guatemala

Gladys and her four children lost everything when Guatemala’s Fuego Volcano erupted last year. The eruption killed hundreds and displaced thousands. Gladys and her children escaped with their lives, but like many others, their home was gone.

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A School for Alisbell

When Alisbell Ocón was born with Down syndrome, friends and neighbors assumed she would never go to school. In Nicaragua, children with disabilities are often

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Dying of Hunger No More!

The village of Chifwa Nsala in Zambia had two watering holes – large, dirty holes protected by fences made of sticks. They didn’t have a well, so instead they relied on these two holes to fill with water each rainy season

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The Empty Desk

Too often, Lizzy’s school desk was empty.

The teachers would call her name, “Lizzy Paola?” yet there was rarely an answer.

She became known around school as the student who hardly ever showed up at class.

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The Peanut Church

I can still remember walking across the field of peanut plants in Malawi, about to speak to an extraordinary group of people. These believers were all former Muslims who lived in the same area and came to faith in Jesus […]

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