Seminary in the Amazon
Missionaries Don and Mary Wolfram hold seminary classes in the Amazon jungles of Ecuador. “Most students are jungle tribal people with no opportunities to attend a seminary level Bible school,” says Don. “They are a diverse group: young(14) to old (70), illiterate to literate, schooled and unschooled, new believers, veteran Christians and even non-believers, Jungle Indians to Spaniard descendants and many others. We initially had a sophisticated, western-style application, but threw it out when God convicted me and confirmed that He was the one that would send the students, and that each and every one, regardless of appearance, age or credentials, deserved an opportunity.

There are 16-one week sessions over a period of 2-3 years which amount to an “Associate degree of Biblical Studies.” The starting point is open and every session and a graduate is one who has completed all 16 four-credit courses. Some attend for a week and know it’s not for them. Others light up, get it and are determined to finish. We know them well as they become “regulars” and committed students of the Word. Other drop-outs come back later. We have inroads into more than 50 communities and provide depth and backing for the discipleship they do in their villages and outreach spots. Church are being planted throughout all of Ecuador.”